Repair Your Entire Midsection with Tummy Tuck 360™

Tummy Tuck 360 results in La Jolla

By on September 14th, 2023

A perfectly trim waistline is a coveted feature that most women strive for, but it can be difficult to achieve for many. Tummy tuck surgery is ideal for restoring a flat, toned abdomen and appeals to patients who need help eliminating the flabby appearance of the abdomen that sometimes occurs after major weight fluctuations, pregnancy, or other factors. However, sometimes, even more correction is needed to achieve the appearance of a slim midsection, which is why Tummy Tuck 360™ is offered to patients at True Beauty. Dr. Reagan is a respected, board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon who has used his training to deliver beautiful results to many patients. Along with his skilled and compassionate staff, he is ready to help you finally achieve the look you desire.

A Comprehensive Treatment

While traditional tummy tuck is an excellent solution for restoring a flat tummy, it only addresses the front of the abdomen. Patients with extra fat that extends beyond the waist, such as the area known as the “love handles,” often think about how they can improve the entire trunk area. Tummy Tuck 360™ does exactly that, essentially sculpting the entire midsection circumferentially for a truly comprehensive treatment.

Tummy Tuck 360™ combines abdominoplasty, which removes excess skin from the tummy and tightens the belly muscles, with liposuction, which removes unwanted fat and lumps from the back and sides and other targeted areas.

By removing pockets of fat from many areas, a more defined, slimmer profile can be revealed, leaving patients with a beautiful contour at all angles.

Am I A Candidate?

Tummy Tuck 360™ appeals to many candidates who desire a complete improvement in their waistlines. As with other cosmetic surgeries, candidates should be in good physical health, at or near a healthy weight, and have realistic expectations for their results. Additionally, this procedure may be right for you if:

  • You have fat rolls that bulge outward below the bra line.
  • You want to remove fat from every angle.
  • You are unhappy with the appearance of your abdomen following pregnancy.
  • Diet and exercise have been ineffective at providing you with the sculpted waist appearance you desire.
  • You desire slimmer contours on the tummy, sides, and back.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Dr. Reagan is eager to help you reach your aesthetic goals. Get ready to enjoy a complete transformation with Tummy Tuck 360™. To get started, call our call our office or use the online form to request a consultation.